Introduction to recording vocals
The blog is back! While you lot have all been off on your holidays (very jealous of all your lovely beach snaps by the way), I've been taking a break from writing to focus on a couple of projects and to do some planning for Autumn. There's been lots of conversations behind the scenes and one of the ket themes that popped up is the difference between singing live and recording.
So, I’ve teamed up with the good folk at Seacroft Studios, in Southend to bring you an opportunity to explore just this.
Spend two hours in the studio learning the basics, including:
an introduction to studio etiquette
microphone technique
how to prepare your voice
learn the differences between singing live and singing for recording
learn how to work effectively with your sound engineer.
Songs can be covers or originals; we will speak to you ahead of the session to talk about your requirements and I will be on hand to walk you through it, along with experienced sound engineer Paul Finch (SSLU; Dirty Dancing Tour; Young Musicians Project: The Album; Live Aid, the Tour)
Students will come away with a professional audio recording of up to two songs (mp3) and video footage of their session, that can be used as part of a show reel and/or social media footage.
Sessions have limited availability of the first three Mondays in December so get in touch now for more info and to grab your space