Top tips for an excellent voice-reel

As we enter into the season when folk gear up to get themselves audition and Spotlight ready, we chat to our resident sound engineer Jon about what it takes to get the best voice (or vocal)-reel. 

"A casting director, agent, potential client or someone looking for a singer for an event, is not going to want to listen to 3 or 4 minutes of you singing your favourite song from Les Mis’ or your favourite epic power ballad. They're going to want to hear the diversity in your vocal in the shortest time possible: you need to show off your amazing voice (obviously!) and performing skills - all within a 3-4 minute recording. This is where the voice or vocal-reel comes in and the reason we record 4 or 5 songs.

Here are my top tips when planning your voice-reel

  1. Pick songs you know well and can sing confidently. This includes learning the words as truly knowing the song will add to the performance. It’s good to have some variety, so pick a couple from Musical Theatre, a pop song, your fave epic ballad, a jazz classic etc. When choosing, also consider the market you are aiming at.

  2. The recording should convey the emotion and passion in your performance, which is why it's important to record the whole song rather than pre-decided sections for the reel: this may even change your decision on the sections you choose for the final cut, once you listen back.

  3. When you are in the studio ACT OUT the songs and perform to an imaginary audience! Again, this will come across in the recording.

  4. Source good quality tracks. First impressions count. A keen ear will be distracted if the music is too loud in one section, for example.

  5. Enjoy yourself and smile while you are singing - it will show in the recording!"

Info on Jon's voice-reel and recording services can be found clicking here

The Song School CIC